10 Expert Strategies That Will Make You a Better Coach
Meet the Speaker Chariti Gent, MCC Chariti Gent is a veteran of the coaching world, starting her journey as an internal corporate coach and trainer for a major international franchise in 2007. From there, Chariti founded and ran her own boutique coaching firm, Chariti Gent Coaching and Consulting (www.charitigent.com). After nearly a decade coaching private clients, Chariti went on to serve as Lead Faculty for the Certified Professional Coach program (UWCPC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, Chariti oversees the portfolio of professional coaching education and training programs at the UW-Madison, including their ICF accredited, ACTP/Level 2 flagship program. Chariti received her formal International Coach Federation (ICF) training and certification through the Co-Active Training Institute. She became a certified ICF PCC Assessor in 2018 and earned the designation of Master Certified Coach (MCC) in 2020. Chariti currently serves as the ICF Global Education Ambassador for the North American, Latin American, and Caribbean region (NALAC). When not working to bring top-notch training to all of the UW’s coaching students, Chariti can be found e-bike riding around town, creating mixed media art in her home studio, and/or relaxing on a lake with a beer in hand.